De sneeuwverwachting voor Lutsen Mountains is: Meestal droog. Bevriezen-ontdooien voorwaarden (max 2°C op dinsdagochtend, min -8°C op woensdagavond). Meer wind (kalm op maandagavond, frisse wind van de NNO bij woensdagochtend).
Lutsen Mountains Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Lutsen Mountains is: Meestal droog. Bevriezen-ontdooien voorwaarden (max 2°C op dinsdagochtend, min -8°C op woensdagavond). Meer wind (kalm op maandagavond, frisse wind van de NNO bij woensdagochtend).
Lutsen Mountains Weather (Days 4-6): Nieuwe sneeuw besprenkeling. Temperaturen ruim onder het vriespunt (max -6°C op vrijdagmiddag, min -14°C op zondagochtend). Meer wind (kalm op zaterdagochtend, frisse wind van de NW bij zaterdagavond).
Live weerstoestand in Lutsen Mountains
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Temp. (°C)
Wind (km/h)
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Onderaan lift:
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Weer in Lutsen Mountains
(Volgende 3 dagen):
De sneeuwverwachting voor Lutsen Mountains is: Meestal droog. Bevriezen-ontdooien voorwaarden (max 2°C op dinsdagochtend, min -8°C op woensdagavond). Meer wind (kalm op maandagavond, frisse wind van de NNO bij woensdagochtend).
Weer in Lutsen Mountains (Days 4-6):
Nieuwe sneeuw besprenkeling. Temperaturen ruim onder het vriespunt (max -6°C op vrijdagmiddag, min -14°C op zondagochtend). Meer wind (kalm op zaterdagochtend, frisse wind van de NW bij zaterdagavond).
Laatste sneeuwrapporten in de buurt van Lutsen Mountains:
Meestal droog. Bevriezen-ontdooien voorwaarden (max 2°C op dinsdagochtend, min -8°C op woensdagavond). Meer wind (kalm op maandagavond, frisse wind van de NNO bij woensdagochtend).
Weersamenvatting voor volgende 4-6 dagen:
Nieuwe sneeuw besprenkeling. Temperaturen ruim onder het vriespunt (max -6°C op vrijdagmiddag, min -14°C op zondagochtend). Meer wind (kalm op zaterdagochtend, frisse wind van de NW bij zaterdagavond).
De bovenstaande tabel toont de weersverwachting voor Lutsen Mountains op een specifieke hoogte van 391 m. Onze uiterst precieze weermodellen berekenen sneeuwverwachtingen voor de top, midden en dalstations van Lutsen Mountains. Voor weersverwachtingen op andere hoogtes, gebruik de tabbladen boven de tabel. Voor meer weer overzicht, zie de weerkaart van United States.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over sneeuwhoogten en hoe we onze temperaturen berekenen.
Recensies van bezoekers van Lutsen Mountains
Algemeen 3.6 Gebaseerd op 3 Stem(men) en 6 beoordelingen
Lutsen is about the best you can do if you are in Minnesota and craving some downhill skiing, but that’s not really saying much. For one, the lift ticket prices (as of 2023) are over a hundred dollars a day, and on-mountain food prices are hitting as high as 60$ for a couple beers and burgers. Most of the runs are blues, but they may as well be green - they’re short, tedious, and chock full of children. The handful of black/double black runs are usually closed and if they are open, expect something that might pass for a boring blue out west. The lifts are old, slow, and most are two seaters that cause giant lines to form with massive wait times. Excited yet? Let’s talk about run/lift closures. Lutsen is notorious for closing their lifts without warning and will not issue refunds when doing so. They closed the main lift for Moose Mountain on 1/28/23 which is home to more than half of their total runs without any warning, and when I asked if I could be compensated the extremely rude female manager at the ticket office tried to bribe me with a $15 voucher (you couldn’t even buy a burger with that on the mountain). Kind of disgusting behavior given that the lift closure was not due to weather but their own stupidity (I heard from another skier that they had actually frozen the lift gears by accidentally pointing a snow blower at it).
If you value your sanity, dignity, or bank balance please ski literally anywhere else than Lutsen, Minnesota.
Lutsen is about the best you can do if you are in Minnesota and craving some downhill skiing, but that’s not really saying much. For one, the lift ticket prices (as of 2023) are over a hundred dollars a day, and on-mountain food prices are hitting as high as 60$ for a couple beers and burgers. Most of the runs are blues, but they may as well be green - they’re short, tedious, and chock full of children. The handful of black/double black runs are usually closed and if they are open, expect something that might pass for a boring blue out west. The lifts are old, slow, and most are two seaters that cause giant lines to form with massive wait times. Excited yet? Let’s talk about run/lift closures. Lutsen is notorious for closing their lifts without warning and will not issue refunds when doing so. They closed the main lift for Moose Mountain on 1/28/23 which is home to more than half of their total runs without any warning, and when I asked if I could be compensated the extremely rude female manager at the ticket office tried to bribe me with a $15 voucher (you couldn’t even buy a burger with that on the mountain). Kind of disgusting behavior given that the lift closure was not due to weather but their own stupidity (I heard from another skier that they had actually frozen the lift gears by accidentally pointing a snow blower at it).
If you value your sanity, dignity, or bank balance please ski literally anywhere else than Lutsen, Minnesota.
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