De sneeuwverwachting voor Folgaria is: Meestal droog. Bevriezen-ontdooien voorwaarden (max 8°C op dinsdagochtend, min 0°C op maandagavond). Wind zal licht zijn over het algemeen.
Folgaria Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Folgaria is: Meestal droog. Bevriezen-ontdooien voorwaarden (max 8°C op dinsdagochtend, min 0°C op maandagavond). Wind zal licht zijn over het algemeen.
Folgaria Weather (Days 4-6): Meestal droog. Bevriezen-ontdooien voorwaarden (max 7°C op donderdagmiddag, min 0°C op vrijdagavond). Wind zal licht zijn over het algemeen.
Live weerstoestand in Folgaria
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Wind (km/h)
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Weer in Folgaria
(Volgende 3 dagen):
De sneeuwverwachting voor Folgaria is: Meestal droog. Bevriezen-ontdooien voorwaarden (max 8°C op dinsdagochtend, min 0°C op maandagavond). Wind zal licht zijn over het algemeen.
Weer in Folgaria (Days 4-6):
Meestal droog. Bevriezen-ontdooien voorwaarden (max 7°C op donderdagmiddag, min 0°C op vrijdagavond). Wind zal licht zijn over het algemeen.
De bovenstaande tabel toont de weersverwachting voor Folgaria op een specifieke hoogte van 1200 m. Onze uiterst precieze weermodellen berekenen sneeuwverwachtingen voor de top, midden en dalstations van Folgaria. Voor weersverwachtingen op andere hoogtes, gebruik de tabbladen boven de tabel. Voor meer weer overzicht, zie de weerkaart van Italy.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over sneeuwhoogten en hoe we onze temperaturen berekenen.
Recensies van bezoekers van Folgaria
Algemeen 4.0 Gebaseerd op 3 Stem(men) en 4 beoordelingen
Visited Folgaria over February half term 2011. About 100km of piste is available on the lift pass, which is electronic and hands free. The area is served almost entirely by chair lifts. Some of the chair lifts are very modern, with automatic safety bars, although there are still a few rickety old chairs too.
It is a great little resort, especially for beginners. There are good nursey slopes at Costa and Fonde Grande, and plenty of easy blues to progress to. Some of the reds are also very easy, and would be blue in other resorts. For intermediates and above, the area is still fun, with a few decent reds and one black, although again, the black is on the easy side of its grading. There is a reasonable amount of off psite to be had, when the conditions are good, and lots of tree skiing. The ski school Costa 2000 were very good, with friendly and enthusiastic English speaking instructors.
The ski area is spread over a number of linked mountains and passes through a few villages, providing a sense of travel, which even beginners should be able to experience by the end of the week. The mountains are pretty, with winding pistes through the woods and views to more dramatic mountains beyond. There are a decent number of mountain huts to eat in or stop for a bombadino.
Folgaria itself is a little village with a cobbled high street and a range of hotels within a short walk or bus ride to the slopes. There is ice skating, swimming, karaoke and a disco available here, and bowling in Laverone.
Visited Folgaria over February half term 2011. About 100km of piste is available on the lift pass, which is electronic and hands free. The area is served almost entirely by chair lifts. Some of the chair lifts are very modern, with automatic safety bars, although there are still a few rickety old chairs too.
It is a great little resort, especially for beginners. There are good nursey slopes at Costa and Fonde Grande, and plenty of easy blues to progress to. Some of the reds are also very easy, and would be blue in other resorts. For intermediates and above, the area is still fun, with a few decent reds and one black, although again, the black is on the easy side of its grading. There is a reasonable amount of off psite to be had, when the conditions are good, and lots of tree skiing. The ski school Costa 2000 were very good, with friendly and enthusiastic English speaking instructors.
The ski area is spread over a number of linked mountains and passes through a few villages, providing a sense of travel, which even beginners should be able to experience by the end of the week. The mountains are pretty, with winding pistes through the woods and views to more dramatic mountains beyond. There are a decent number of mountain huts to eat in or stop for a bombadino.
Folgaria itself is a little village with a cobbled high street and a range of hotels within a short walk or bus ride to the slopes. There is ice skating, swimming, karaoke and a disco available here, and bowling in Laverone.
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