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All map types that you can enable here: South Island - lower Colour Base Map, Greyscale Base Map, , South Island - lower Last 1-7 days snow, last 1-3 days snow, Next 1-3 days snow, South Island - lower Next 4-6 days snow, Next 6-9 days snow, Next 9-12 days snow, South Island - lower , Snow, Wind, South Island - lower Temperature, Cloud Cover, , South Island - lower Snow Depths at Top Stations, Snow Depths at all Resort Elevations, Fresh Snow Depths in Resorts, South Island - lower Snow Depths at Resorts above 1500m, Snow Depths at Resorts below 1500m, Temperature at 9am today (or yesterday), South Island - lower Days since last snow.
Map overlays available for display: South Island - lower Drukte, Wind, Pressure+Wind, South Island - lower Fries punt.
Symbols shown on the map: South Island - lower Skigebieden, Bergtoppen, Surfstranden, South Island - lower Steden, Getijden, Alle sneeuw, steden, golven, getijdenvoorspellingen, South Island - lower Temperatuur momenteel, Wind momenteel, Weer actueel, South Island - lower Live Webcams, Sneeuw verwacht 1-3 dagen bergstation, Sneeuw verwacht 1-3 dagen mid.station, South Island - lower Sneeuw verwacht 1-3 dagen dalstation, Sneeuw verwacht 4-6 dagen bergstation, Sneeuw verwacht 4-6 dagen mid.station, South Island - lower Sneeuw verwacht 4-6 dagen dalstation, Temperatuur onder vriespunt, Skigebied volledig open, South Island - lower Goede piste, Nieuwe sneeuw gemeld, Poedersneeuw gemeld, South Island - lower Het sneeuwt nu, Zonnig, Pistes tot dalstation.
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